Class Instructor Certification
To those interested in becoming certified to teach one of the three Honda-owned classes at their organization, we have an easy five-step certification process.
You can become certified to teach in the following classes:
- 5 Principles for Problem Solving
- Basic Quality Tools
- Effective Communication Skills
As part of the certification process, you agree to only purchase the materials from us. We provide the materials to you at cost. These materials are proprietary and may not be reproduced or copied for any reason. Additional materials must be purchased for each student, each time you run a class.
Step 1 – Application for Certification
Fill out the Application for Certification. It contains 1) the request to be certified as an instructor for your company, 2) a questionnaire and 3) a session tracking page.
You will receive a confirmation that your application has been received. After HOST reviews your application, you will be notified of your acceptance to begin certification. You will receive the necessary paperwork and instructions. To those not accepted, HOST may recommend some additional steps to prepare you for the certification process.
Step 2 – Attend Class as a Student
Find a class and date that works for you and register to attend as a student. Cost for class registration and any travel expenses are the responsibility of the attendee. Be sure to bring your Certification Tracking sheet to be signed by the instructor.
Step 3 – Attend Class as an Observer
Once you’ve attended a class as a student, find a second date for the same class and contact us at hondaengage(at) to request to be added to the class as an observer. Registration will be complimentary for this class only, but you must bring the training material provided to you in your first class. Remember to bring your tracking sheet. Any travel costs associated with attending the class are the responsibility of the student. The instructor may or may not call upon observers in the process of certification to assist in the class.
Step 4 – Facilitate Class with HOST Certification Personnel Present
When you are ready for your solo-teach a certified HOST instructor will monitor your class. The monitor will use a feedback form to document any notes. During the class, the HOST monitor will mainly attend to observe, but will speak up if there is something being presented incorrectly, or if the potential instructor misses a critical point. Most items will simply be documented on the feedback sheet. The HOST monitor then takes time after the class to sit and talk with the potential instructor to give them feedback.
During this step, the class will take place at your company with associates from your organization (a minimum of 10 and a maximum of 20 attendees). Costs to your company include all class materials and payment for the HOST monitor (time, travel cost, meal reimbursement).
Step 5 – Certification or Continued Instruction
The HOST monitor will review class results with the HOST team. At that time the decision is made to certify the applicant, or not. If the applicant or the monitor feel it would be beneficial to have additional teaching experience before certification, it is perfectly fine to do that.
If the associate does become certified, he/she then reviews and signs any pertinent instructor agreement forms.
The associate will then receive a certificate of completion. This allows the certified associate teach only the course they completed certification in and only at the company they are currently employed by. If the associate leaves their current company and goes to another Honda supplier, they will need to go through the entire certification process to be certified to teach at their new employment. All materials for the classes must be purchased through the HOST online Certified Instructor store.
Questions regarding certifications? Contact us a hondaengage(at)