Genuine Leadership 2 – Manager Workshop – HSO

How You Will Benefit Many studies have been conducted to determine the reasons that employees leave their jobs. Most reasons point squarely to their bosses: · 39% said their supervisors didn’t keep their promises. · 37% said their supervisors...

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5 Principles for Problem Solving – HSO

How You Will Benefit Much of what people do is solve problems and make decisions are often “under the gun”! Associates are stressed and very short pf time. Consequently, when they encounter a new problem or decision they must...

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Effective Communication Skills (ECS) – Virtual

Module 1 – Supervisor Communication Skills How You Will Benefit Being a supervisor means taking on a lot of responsibility. Delegating, disciplining, moving the company forward and promoting key workers just scratches the surface of a supervisor’s responsibility. Therefore...

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2024 Spring QC/CAN Conference

2024 Spring QC/CAN Conference Sawmill Creek by Cedar Point Resorts Huron, Ohio April 30 –  May 2, 2024 Discover the hidden treasures of Continuous Improvement 2024 Spring – Honda Supplier QC/CAN Conference Registration, Tue, Apr 30, 2024 at 11:00...

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