Black: Events

Green: Ohio In-Person Classes

Purple: Online HOST Classes

Yellow: Quality House Classes - en español

Orange: Alabama In-Person Classes

Blue: Ontario In-Person Classes

Misc. Online Classes

Filter Category Options

Please use the “Filter By” button on the upper-left portion of the calendar to help narrow down event choices more efficiently.
Review category descriptions below for filtering option details. See 2-minute video tutorial below for walkthrough assistance.


    "Classes” Filter options include training opportunities and classes, Honda Supplier Support programs such as CAN/HOST/SARG meetings, conferences, law reviews, events, summits, and more.

    “Location” This filter category allows you to look for events and sessions taking 
    place at specific areas throughout North America, or filter to see online and virtual options.

    “Instructors” Narrow down by a specific class instructor, by Honda Supplier Support programs including CAN/HOST/SARG and JMEP, or by Honda supplier-friendly institutes and consulting companies.