This online version of our popular Working Effectively with Americans seminar for Japanese is designed to help Japanese gain a better understanding of their American colleagues’ behavior and gain skills for improving communications. A full outline of the contents is below.
We will use interactive techniques to make the session as lively as one of our live sessions. And indeed, we have been finding that Japanese participants can be more likely to ask questions in an online setting.
The session is being taught in the East Coast time zone on August 9th.
This is a full day session, which will deliver the full contents of our usual in-person sessions. It is taught completely in Japanese, with Japanese language materials.
Please invite your Japanese team members to join us for this excellent learning opportunity.
This is the perfect opportunity to support any expatriates who have joined you recently.
Registration here.
Session contents:
Thinking about Culture
● Cultural tendencies vs. stereotypes
● Why do misunderstandings occur?
● Avoiding the pitfalls of cross-cultural communication
Case Studies: Communicating with Americans
● Dealing with the language barrier
● Communication style