English is below the Japanese
- 文化の傾向対ステレオタイプ
- 何故誤解が生じるか
- 異文化間の落とし穴の避け方
- 言葉の壁
- コミュニケーション・スタイル
- アメリカ人との意思疎通のやり方を理解する
- 「直接」でありながら、十分「ナイス」にする
- 言い回しのヒント
- アメリカで避けるべき会話のトピック
- 良い会話のトピック
- 「アメリカンフットボールのコーチ」型対日本の「空手の先生」型
- 米国に於けるリーダーシップ
- アメリカ人が求めるリーダーの素質
- 日本とアメリカにおける言葉による指導
- 指導のやり方
- 技術移転の仕方
- フィードバックの仕方
- 企画と行動のパターン(リスク感覚と意思決定)
- 結果重視vs.過程重視
- ことなる労働市場や人事慣行
- 米国進出日系企業が頻繁に直面する問題
- 気をつけるべきところ
- 雇用摩擦の病状
- 雇用摩擦の潜在的悪影響
- 言葉の壁を越える方法
- 通訳を利用する場合
- 異文化コミュニケ−ションの5つの “C”:明確さ、一貫性、背景情報、確認、もめごとの回避
- アメリカ人の参画を計る(情報の共有)
- 好ましくない行動の例
- グループとしての社交活動
- コミュニケーションの機会を増やす
- オープンで、話しやすくする
ONLINE SEMINAR IN JAPANESE Working Effectively with Americans – February 15, 2022
This seminar is designed to help Japanese gain a better understanding of their American colleagues’ behavior and gain skills for improving communications. A full outline of the contents is below.
We will use interactive techniques to make the session as lively as one of our live sessions. And indeed, we have been finding that Japanese participants can be more likely to ask questions in an online setting.
The session will be taught by Hiroshi Iwasaki, a longtime member of the Japan Intercultural Consulting team.
This is a full day session, which will deliver the full contents of our usual in-person sessions.
Session contents:
Thinking about Culture
● Cultural tendencies vs. stereotypes
● Why do misunderstandings occur?
● Avoiding the pitfalls of cross-cultural communication
Case Studies: Communicating with Americans
● Dealing with the language barrier
● Communication style
● Understanding American direct communication style
● Being direct while also being nice
● Hints on phrasing
● Conversation topics to be avoided
● Good conversation topics
Case Studies: Leadership Style and Verbal Direction
● American “football coach” model vs. Japanese “karate teacher” model
● Leadership in the U.S.
● Qualities of leaders desired by Americans
● Verbal direction in Japan and the U.S.
● Techniques for giving direction
● Contrast of American teaching/learning style and Japanese teaching/learning style
● Feedback techniques
Specific Cultural Challenges
● Risk avoidance and speed of decision-making
● Process vs. results orientation
● Understanding the U.S. labor market and employee expectations
Blending American and Japanese Styles
● Common problems encountered by Japanese affiliated companies in the U.S.
● Factors that Japanese companies need to be careful about
● Symptoms of employment friction
● Potential negative effects of employment friction on the company
Key Skills for Effective Communication
● Coping with the language barrier
● If you are working with translators
● 5 C’s of cross-cultural communication: clarity, consistency, context, confirmation, conflict avoidance
● Including Americans in information flow
● Example of a negative practice
● Social activities as a group
● Increase the opportunities for communication
● Be approachable