Virtual – Mexico Law Review

Honda Training Day

9 y 10 de septiembre de 2021


Este ciclo de conferencias proporcionará información sobre temas relevantes que apoyarán a mejorar temas operacionales de su empresa. Estará enfocado a proveedores de Honda en México de las áreas de Recursos Humanos, Administración y Operaciones.

Día 1 – 9 de septiembre de 2021

9:00 – 9:15 Bienvenida

Patrick Easton, Honda North America.

9:15 – 10:45 Legitimación de Contratos Colectivos de Trabajo existentes.

Gala Pantoja / Alvaro Gonzalez, Basham, Ringe y Correa.

10:45 – 12:15 Aspectos laborales del T-MEC.

Jimena Olivera / David Puente, Basham, Ringe y Correa.

12:15 – 12:30 Receso.

12:30 – 13:15 “¡Pregunta a los expertos!”: por favor tener preparadas las preguntas relacionadas con su negocio.

Día 2 – 10 de septiembre de 2021

9:15 – 10:45 Reforma en materia de subcontratación. ¿Qué sigue?

Mónica Pérez / Moisés Flores / Luis Alvarez, Basham, Ringe y Correa.

10:45 – 12:15 Covid-19 – Regreso a la normalidad.

Rosalía Martínez / Rodolfo Barreda, Basham, Ringe y Correa.

12:15 – 12:30 Receso

12:30 – 13:15 “¡Pregunta a los expertos!”: por favor tener preparadas las preguntas relacionadas con su negocio.

13:15 – 13:30 Cierre del seminario.

Patrick Easton, Honda North America.

Honda Training Day

September 9 and 10, 2021


This training provides practical information regarding relevant topics which will help to improve operational characteristics at your Company. The target audience is HR, Administration, and Operations leaders at Honda suppliers in Mexico.

Day 1 – September 9, 2021

9:00 – 9:15 Welcome

Patrick Easton, Honda North America.

9:15 – 10:45 Legitimization of existing Collective Bargaining Agreements.

Gala Pantoja / Alvaro Gonzalez, Basham, Ringe y Correa.

10:45 – 12:15 Labor Implications of USMCA.

Jimena Olivera / David Puente, Basham, Ringe y Correa.

12:15 – 12:30 Break

12:30 – 13:15 “Ask the Experts!”: please come prepared to ask your specific company questions.

Day 2 – September 10, 2021

9:15 – 10:45 Outsourcing Reform. ¿What’s next?

Monica Perez / Moises Flores / Luis Alvarez, Basham, Ringe y Correa.

10:45 – 12:15 Covid-19. Back to normal.

Rosalia Martinez / Rodolfo Barreda, Basham, Ringe y Correa.

12:15 – 12:30 Break

12:30 – 13:15 “Ask the Experts!”: please come prepared to ask your specific company questions.

13:15 – 13:30 Final wrap-up.

Patrick Easton, Honda North America.

Event link and information will be sent to attendees after registration is complete.

The SARG group is dedicated to helping Honda suppliers in the development of Human resources functions. Suppliers receive information in the areas of benefits, government legislation, associate relations, and benchmarking of programs. The SARG group offers a variety of seminars in law, as well as the opportunity to attend meetings where current human resources information is provided as well as benchmarking opportunities for those attending.

Services Provided

< Human resources relate consultation services >< Quarterly SARG meetings offered by region >< Associate wage and benefits surveys >< Seminars >< Legislative updates >< Benchmarking >


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