ONLINE: Virtual Skills Summit & Supplier Support Meeting: CAN, HOST & SARG

Skills Summit

This activity is designed to help improve the skills of all associates. If you or someone else could benefit from understanding the circle process, and improve their facilitator skills or work skills in general, be sure to register! This is a two-day activity. You will have the option to pick up to four different classes to improve your skill level.


Day 1 / Wednesday, February 10th

Start End Topic

9:00 AM– 10:00 AM Supplier Support Meeting: CAN, HOST & SARG

10:00 AM — 12:00 PM On-Boarding Methodology

10:00 AM — 12:00 PM PDCA

10:00 AM — 12:00 PM Getting Buy-in from Management


1:00 PM — 3:00 PM Ideas Into Action

1:00 PM — 3:00 PM Quality Tools (Charts & Stratification)

1:00 PM — 3:00 PM Critical Thinking Skills

1:00 PM — 3:00 PM Root Cause Analysis


Day 2 / Thursday, February 11th

Start End Topic

9:45 AM– 10:00 AM Welcome & Reminders

10:00 AM — 12:00 PM On-Boarding Methodology

10:00 AM — 12:00 PM PDCA

10:00 AM — 12:00 PM Getting Buy-in from Management


1:00 PM — 3:00 PM Why We Struggle with Tough Decisions

1:00 PM — 3:00 PM Quality Tools (Charts & Stratification)

1:00 PM — 3:00 PM Critical Thinking Skills

1:00 PM — 3:00 PM Root Cause Analysis


Class Description

On-Boarding Methodology: Onboarding, unlike an orientation, is an integration process that not only provides the company information new hires need but also ensures that they become actively involved as quickly as possible, jumpstarting their contributions to productivity and increasing retention. In this abbreviated session, onboarding will walk you through a model with four overlapping elements: Resources, Rules, Relationship, and Roles.

PDCA: In this abbreviated course you will go through the basics of PDCA to understand the steps in the continuous improvement cycle, learn how to apply the steps to solve real-world problems, and understand the potential disconnects.

Getting Buy-In from Management: In this course, we will explore ideas to get managers at all levels to buy into the circle process and programs within our organizations.

Ideas Into Action: This course is designed to help organizations reshape their thinking on innovation. This course will teach you to understand the different elements of creativity, how to build ideas in a group, how to let innovation flow without directives, and how to draw out creative ideas from new sources.

Quality Tools – (Charts & Stratification): This session will focus on the Charts components of the Basic Quality Tools including histograms, proper labeling of charts, Pareto charts, and stratification/run charts.

Critical Thinking Skills: In this course, we will define critical thinking and describe the characteristics of effective critical thinkers. We will discuss the challenges of critical thinking in our daily jobs and lives.

Why We Struggle with Tough Decisions: By having a clear objective, gathering and evaluating information in a structured way, avoiding common decision traps, and by using your intuition to confirm or question your decision you can make a high-impact decision that is effective, practical, and successful. This course will enhance your confidence and skill at making – and implementing – tough decisions, allowing you to increase your value to your organization and actively contribute to its success.

Root Cause Analysis: Participants will learn the Honda Way of root cause analysis using the Ishikawa Diagram. They will learn how to ask, answer, and confirm the accuracy of their analysis. In addition, participants will learn how to select a countermeasure using the Needs and Weighted Wants criteria.



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