ONLINE: The Art of The First Interview

Every professional, at some point in their career, has to interview people as part of their role: to hire people, for performance reviews, for internal promotions. Experience in interviewing is a skill that you perfect as you practice. That first interview is challenging, even threatening, knowing what to do, which questions to ask, having an outline of what to look for and how to tackle each interview will help you face this process. Join CLAUDIA CHAVEZ, PCC and your peers in an interactive session where we will be reviewing some tools to help you organize your intervention during the interview, knowing which questions to ask, and how to phrase them to get the information, own the outcome of the interview, and have interviewees respond in a clear and collaborative way.

Benefits of Attending:

  • Understand the different stages during an interview and how to address them.
  • Define your final goal, and plan accordingly to achieve it.
  • Get to know and use tools for interviewing like a skill-set matrix, or the STAR model.
  • Develop your own style of interviewing and reduce your anxiety level.
  • Gain a proven list of the most effective interview questions and learn how to phrase powerful questions that will get you the information you are seeking for.
  • Listen and learn from other professionals that might be in your same situation; hear about specific success stories on an interview and build your self-awareness and confidence to successfully interview.


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