ONLINE: Mandated State Sick Pay

Legislation is changing rapidly in regards to employers being required to provide employee with accrued sick time.  In 2020 with the COVID-19 pandemic states and federal have updated legislation on paying sick pay.   It began with city legislation and has now moved to states such as California that employers must comply with.

This webinar will give you the most up to date legislation and pending legislation in regards to mandated sick pay requirements on employers.  Additional tools to be able to get through the complexity and have a better understanding of who is responsible for tax withholding and reporting for third party sick pay will be reviewed.  The details of states with disability funds and how the tax is handled and claims are worked in regards to your third party provider.  Review of the 2020 federal requirements due to the Emergency paid sick leave act and the families first coronavirus response act.


Learning Objectives:

  • Review different types of ways companies can choose to handle third party sick pay with their providers.
  • State and City review of current legislation of sick accruals that must be provided to employees
  • W-2 reporting requirements for third party sick pay
  • What tax should be withheld and reported and by whom
  • How to handle waiting periods before disability starts
  • State Disability plan review from tax that funds them to how the claims affect employers.



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