ONLINE – IRS Rules For Inpat & Expat Payroll

The number of companies doing business globally is increasing and so are the issues that they will face.  The issues will be especially challenging for Payroll professionals as you need to understand the strategy of your company and the international work they are performing.  Adding to the complication is the fact that you need to combine that strategy with the IRS rules to make sure that employees are paid, reported and taxed correctly.

This webinar will give you all the definitions and explanations of this complicated process called international payroll.  From understanding documents that should be kept for your international assignments to taxation and accounting for international employees.



  • Define the payroll meaning of Inpatriates and Expatriates
  • Concepts on how to handle different employer tax policies for international assignments. Best Practices for administering a Tax equalization program
    Tax Equalization
    Tax Protection
  • Accounting for Tax Equalization
  • Overview of Non Resident work Visa’s and to handle them.
  • Understand Student Visas and how they impact how you pay your employees
  • What documentation employers should have and keep for all international assignments
  • Explanation of Tax Treaty and Totalization agreements
  • Review of the foreign earned income and housing exclusions
  • Details of the IRS Bona Fide Residence test and the physical presents test and its impacts on tax calculations
  • Review of Shadow Payroll Procedures and why they are important

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