Employee Expense Reimbursements – Aurora Training Advantage
Employee Expense Reimbursements
Employee Expense Reimbursements – Aurora Training Advantage
If employee expense reimbursements do not meet IRS guidelines, they may be disallowed as expenses and considered compensation to those employees, leaving your organization responsible for the associated payroll taxes – plus any penalties.
This training session will help you to recognize – and accurately report – employee expense reimbursements.
Learning Objectives:
This course covers the rules and requirements for expense reimbursements, as well as best practices for processing expense reimbursements either in payroll or accounts payable, and covers:
- IRS expense reimbursement requirements
- Whether employee expense reimbursements should be run through payroll or accounts payable
- Which payments being made to your employees may be subject to payroll taxes
- Accountable plan rules – and how they apply to employee travel and expense reimbursements
- How employee business expenses made under accountable plans can be excluded from an employee’s gross income
- The accounting issues associated with the use of per diems
- Other payroll best practices
- How to determine the scope and potential areas of focus for your audit
- How to identify any areas of concern prior to an external audit or an audit by another group within your company
- Common areas where mistakes or issues can normally be found
- How a review can help you detect internal control issues
- Where to go to for assistance so you’re not re-creating the wheel
- Devising a game plan on what you want to review and how to divide and conquer
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