Genuine Leadership 1 (2 Days) – Ohio

Genuine Leadership 1

Genuine Leadership 1 encompasses four leadership modules: Principles and Qualities of Genuine Leadership, Providing Constructive Feedback, Planning for Performance Discussions, Clarifying Performance Expectations – in a two-day class.


How You Will Benefit
More than ever, everyone within today’s organizations need a deeper knowledge of leadership best practices and help in tailoring those practices to their own situations.

The unprecedented upheavals of the last several years have created equally unprecedented challenges for leaders — from supervisors on the factory floor to executives in corporate suites throughout the world. Thanks to tighter budgets and competitive pressures, these men and women must achieve more results — faster — through workforces that are often diminished, unfocused, and demoralized.

Leadership is easy during good times — easier, at least, than during times of retrenchment when there are tough decisions to make, and no cushion of prosperity to fall back on. For a generation of managers who may have known only growth, hard times can be especially challenging. But, like a family that needs good budgeting skills most when money is tight, organizations need good leaders most during hard times — leaders who can tap into the very best efforts of all their employees and get everyone headed in the same direction. It’s the only way organizations can solve problems and seize opportunities with the creativity and speed required to stay competitive.

Benefits of Principles and Qualities of Genuine Leadership
A workplace that applies leadership principles and qualities will:
– Achieve results without sacrificing either long-term organizational health or employee commitment
– Build a work environment which enables employees to learn and grow
– See clearly the impact of their individual efforts on the success of the organization

The impact of genuine leadership is perhaps best expressed in the words of genuine leaders themselves: “The more we communicated, the more engaged our employees became, and the higher the productivity became. And believe it or not, the better our financials became.”

Course Objectives
At the completion of this module participants will increase their ability to:
– Describe how current business issues affect their organizations and their ability to achieve results
– Discuss five critical leadership qualities that contribute to both organizational and personal success.
– Discuss six principles that help leaders develop effective working relationships
– Evaluate the regularity with which they apply The Basic Principles in their daily behaviors
– Explain how applying The Basic Principles can help them develop the qualities of Genuine Leadership
– Use the Basic Principles to address organizational problems and develop the qualities of Genuine Leadership
– Plan to use the principles and qualities of Genuine Leadership in their jobs

Key Topics Covered
This course explores the following subjects in depth:
– Genuine Leadership qualities in others
– Key business issues affecting your organization today
– Leadership Challenges in todays workplace
– Which Leadership Qualities help succeed in todays environment
– Application of the Six Basic Principles of Leadership and how they bring teams together
– Understanding your current strengths and weaknesses when applying the Basic Principles


How You Will Benefit
Delivering constructive feedback is one of the most challenging things for any supervisor. Through this workshop, participants will gain valuable knowledge and skills that will assist with this challenging task. When an employee commits an action that requires feedback or criticism, it needs to be handled in a very specific way.

Constructive Feedback, if done correctly, will provide great benefits to your organization. It provides the ability for management to nullify problematic behaviors and develop well-rounded and productive employees. Constructive feedback shows an employee that management cares about them and will invest time and effort into their careers.

Those leaders who master essential Constructive Feedback skills reduce the occurrence of negative conflict, leading to healthier teams and work environments

Benefits of Supervisory Success
A work environment with a solid foundation for Constructive Feedback can:
– Increase efficiency and productivity
– Give New Perspective & Valuable Insight
– Provide a tool for continued learning
– Help solve problems and improve quality
– Allow for understanding of strengths and opportunities for development
– Build trust among team members

Course Objectives
At the completion of this module participants will increase their ability to:
– Define and describe Constructive Feedback
– Identify opportunities to provide Constructive Feedback in their own work environments
– Recognize the challenges and benefits of providing Constructive Feedback
– Evaluate their current level of effectiveness
– Demonstrate a set of key actions for providing Constructive Feedback to others
– Conduct Constructive Feedback conversations with others that result in improved performance

Key Topics Covered
This course explores the following subjects in depth:
– Understand when feedback should take place
– Learn how to prepare and plan to deliver Constructive Feedback
– Determine the appropriate atmosphere in which it should take place
– Identify the proper steps to be taken during the session
– Know how emotions and certain actions can negatively impact the effects of the session
– Recognize the importance of setting goals and the method used to set them
– Uncover the best techniques for following up with the employee after the session
– Action planning for future constructive feedback opportunities


How You Will Benefit

In today’s workplace, performance improvement and the role of performance management is an increasingly popular topic. Why the intense focus on performance management now? Business pressures are ever increasing, and organizations are now required to become even more effective and efficient, execute better on business strategy, and do more with less to remain competitive.

Frequently when performance management is mentioned, people think of the employee performance appraisal or review. Performance management, however, involves so much more. Properly constructed appraisals should represent a summary of an ongoing, year-round dialogue. Focusing only on an annual appraisal form leads to misunderstanding and under-appreciation of the benefits of performance management.

Management “buy-in” is equally important to the performance management process. If management does not understand the importance and value of the process, it can lead to consistently late or incomplete appraisals, mistrust, avoidance of performance discussions, and a lack of honest performance-related discussions. Often managers may feel unprepared to deliver quality feedback and oversee effective performance discussions

Benefits of Planning for Performance Discussions

A workplace with performance discussions provides for:

  • Delivery of regular relevant job feedback
  • Setting and communicating clear performance expectations
  • Identifying organizational career paths for employees
  • Evaluating performance and delivering incentives in a fair and consistent manner
  • Providing appropriate learning and development opportunities
  • Recognizing and rewarding top performers

Course Objectives

At the completion of this module participants will increase their ability to:

  • Describe the role of the performance leader
  • Explain to individuals how their work supports the organization’s goals
  • Demonstrate a set of key actions for performance planning
  • Create measurable, objective goals using specific criteria
  • Recognize the challenges individuals might have in achieving their goals and develop strategies to overcome these challenges
  • Prepare for focused performance management conversations to address expectation setting, poor performance, and performance appraisals

Key Topics Covered

This course explores the following subjects in depth:

  • Understanding the role of the performance leader
  • Examine the larger organizational picture and link to team goals
  • The results of poor performance planning
  • Applying the key actions for planning for performance discussions
  • Creating a Master Plan for each employee’s performance discussion
  • Planning for and dealing with potential rough spots


How You Will Benefit

In todays fast paced work environment it’s common for supervisors to overlook one of the most essential concepts for ensuring good performance: setting performance expectations. However, taking the time to clarify and communicate clear expectations can help eliminate many performance problems

Leaders who clarify work expectations that avoid ambiguity, increase trust, strengthen working relationships, and support shared success develop high performing teams.  Leaders can also succeed in their relationships and performance by practicing a few key skills in their daily conversations.

Sustaining a high-performance team under turbulent conditions can prove to be an overwhelming task for any leader.  Through improving their personal adaptability to change, leaders will learn to set and reset performance expectations swiftly and in a straightforward manner. Leaders who step in and take prompt and decisive action to ensure that everyone is accountable for performing their job as effectively as possible reflects a culture of Teamwork and Quality.

Benefits of Clarifying Performance

A workplace that clarifies performance requirements:

  • Establishes goals with your employee and obtains agreement on what results will be achieved
  • Prioritizes duties that are significant to accomplishing objectives
  • Keeps the lines of communication open
  • Helps alleviate surprises during performance appraisal time

Course Objectives

At the completion of this module participants will increase their ability to:

  • Identify when a performance expectation discussion is necessary
  • Respond effectively to questions and concerns people have about work priorities and goals
  • Demonstrate a set of key actions for clarifying performance expectations
  • Use the key actions to hold a productive discussion about expectations
  • Clarify expectations in a way that increases employees’ ability to manage more of their job responsibilities on their own

Key Topics Covered

This course explores the following subjects in depth:

  • Key Actions for clarifying performance expectations
  • Consequences of not clarifying expectations
  • Planning for rough spots
  • Crafting of an opening statement to discuss performance
  • Mutually discussion of expectations and measurables
  • Recapping clarification discussion with employee
  • Setting time/date for follow up discussion
  • Action planning for future discussion on clarifying performance

What People Are Saying

“I found the group discussions to be the most effective and interesting. I will be able to use the experiences of other group members. I would definitely use the techniques taught in this class to be a better leader in the workplace.”

“Planning for performance discussions will help organize my thoughts. These techniques are the foundation of leadership – I will certainly use them daily.”

“I will use this next year when I have associates assigned to me. For now, I plan on reviewing items with my manager to keep me fresh.”

US - Ohio (Green)