Cost Price Analysis – Virtual

Cost Price Analysis

This session conveys the necessary foundations and understanding of the varied elements and types of cost to make an informed best value decision. Lob bid alone does not necessarily warrant or justify costs. Being able to see the elements of a cost breakdown and understand its relevance and significance will facilitate the buyer or seller in understanding the value and how best to ensure a reasonable profit while being priced competitively in the marketplace.

This session will then provide the buyer and the sellers with the ability to know what tools work best depending on the marketplace you may find yourself as well as employing certain tools for managing and controlling a cost, thereby its price.

1 of 4 additional courses in the Purchasing Series. Complete three of the four courses to earn the Honda Supplier Training Advanced Automotive Buyer Certification.

Instructor: Bill Agee – C.P.M., A.P.P., CEM, CMN, CPP, CPE, CPIM, CPCM


All students attending the session will need to be paid for and registered. Each student MUST have a laptop with a working microphone AND camera.

Class materials will be sent to the email address you submit in your registration.

Cancellations/refunds/transfers must be completed no later than 10 business days from the registration closing due to shipment dates. Substitutions of students from the same company may occur up to the morning of the class.

Due to exchange rate complications, all pricing is in USD regardless of where the class occurs. Eventbrite fees include .99 per transaction plus a small credit card processing charge.

Online (Pink)