部下との会話 達人コース15回のオンライン研修 – Conversation Skill Master Course for Japanese Expats (15 online sessions)

部下との会話 達人コース15回のオンライン研修!







対象      部下にフィードバックするのが苦手な人




研修のねらい  部下があらゆる業務、プロジェクトについて、自分からアクションプランを出して、おのずと行動していくためのコミュニケーションスキルを習得します。

研修の特長  マインドとスキル両方の大切さを学び、そしてコミュニケーションの基礎である「聞く」「問う」のスキルを段階的に修得します。各研修後に行う30分ずつの個別ロールプレイでは、部下役にキャラをあてはめ学んだスキルを実践。


  • もっと部下に仕事の充実感を味わってもらいたいと思っている方
  • この部下はもっとできるはずなのに、と感じている方
  • 建設的に対話ができるような会話のプロセスをマスターしたい方
  • 指示待ち部下に自発的に動いてもらいたい方
  • ローカル社員、異世代社員が何を考えているのか知りたい方
  • お客様との営業コミュニケーションをもっとコントロールしたい方
  • 職場全体を風通しのいい環境にしたいと思っている方
  • 人事評価、面談などを行なう方
  • リーダーとして指示命令以外のコミュニケーションスキルを身につけたいと思っている方


  • 「部下が自分からいろいろ話してくれるようになりました。時間が足りないくらいです。」
  • 「(研修に出た)上司が、最後まで話を聞いてくれるようになりました」
  • 「進んで行動したり、提案する社員が出てきて、正直びっくりしてます」
  • 「商談やミーティングで、今までは取れなかった情報を引き出せるようになりました」
  • 「社内の雰囲気がポジティブになりました」
  • 「情報量が格段に違います。今は社員を信頼できます」
  • 「必ずアクションプランを出すので、仕事が進んでいきます」


  • これはいい!すごく勉強になりました!
  • マンツーマンで臨場感があってすごく良かったです。継続的にお願いします。
  • 自分の会話全体に対してコメントをいただけるのですごく活用できます。
  • どうして部下からアイデアをひきだせなかったのか、理由がわかりました。
  • 会話を先に進めようとして、きちんと部下の言っていることを聞いていなかったことが身にしみてわかりました。




1 コーチングマインド(講義) ·         コーチングの定義、上司がコーチになることの意味、コーチングマインドの重要性。コーチングの効用とコーチングによる生産性上昇について。

·         キーワード 「信、認、任」

·         講師による参考コーチングロールプレイ

2 「聞く」スキル  (講義) ·         部下を話す気にさせる「聞く」技術。

·         聞く態度、聞くときに考えることなどを質問思考、リフレーミング、NLPなどのスキルから学ぶ。

·         インターナルリスニングからパワーリスニングへ。

3 「質問する」スキル(講義)
  • 部下育成コミュニケーションの要である質問力=「問う」技術を学ぶ。
  • 3つの会話=押し付ける上司、質問すればいいと思っている上司、部下のやる気を引き出す上司、3人の会話の流れを分析しよう。
  • 質問の種類、どんな時にどの質問を持ち出すと会話がうまく進むか。
4回から15回(合計12回) 実践ロールプレイ


  • 会話のコントロール術
  • ほめる技術
  • アクションプランを出す会話術
  • モチベーションを与える承認アティチュード


日時:            講義:2019年8月27日(火)、9月4日(水)、9月10日(火)東部時間午後3時から5時




参加費用:$2100 (プロモーションコードWaterviewで$600割引きの$1500)

定員:            2名以上6名まで

講師:            今泉江利子(Honda アメリカ公認研修講師、IIB認定エグゼクティブコーチ)



お問い合わせ:    Waterview Consulting Group, Inc.

電話:914-433-1447 Email:info@waterviewcoaching.com


Conversation skill Master course for Japanese expats (15-session online course)

Learn how to control the conversation and motivate your subordinates by mastering coaching communication skills!

In America, people of diverse races, values ​​and work styles work.

Businessmen who have been stationed from Japan are often confused by such differences because of differences in language. Managers must give local staff instructions, feedback and work hard to motivate them to work. However, the manager who came from Japan will be surprised when the reaction which the staff did not think even if it returns is returned. They sometimes stop communicating.

However, the resident who came from Japan must manage the local staff firmly as a manager. Therefore, in this training, we will learn coaching communication skills for local staff to work with motivation. From the conversation with the staff, the manager learns the conversation technique for giving an idea and having a motivation.

Who would benefit from this training:

  • Person who is not confident how to give feedback to subordinates
  • People who feel that it is difficult to motivate their subordinates
  • People who want to improve their communication skills as a whole
  • Someone who wants to learn how to control the conversation

Objectives of training:

Acquire communication skills to help his subordinates will develop an action plan and the roadmap easily and take on the tasks in high motivation

Training Features: Learn the importance of both coaching mind and coaching skills and acquire the skills of good listening and effective questioning, which are the foundation of communication skill. After the 3 2-hour online lecture, students create a pair to conduct 12 1-hour roleplay sessions with realistic cases where lecturer gives students detailed comments about quality of question, conversation flow, praising, acknowledging, how to close the conversation, and so forth.

Effective training for any managers

* If you want to have your subordinates have a more satisfying sense of work

* If you feel that your subordinate can do more

* If you want to master the process of conversation that can constructively interact

* If you want to help your subordinate think and initiate the task by themselves

* If you want to know what local employees and different generation employees are thinking about

* If you want to control the conversation at sales meetings with your customers

* Those who want to make the work environment more communicative

* If you want to conduct effective and motivative performance evaluation meeting with your subordinates

* If you want to acquire communication skills to effectively lead people

Changes you can expect from this training…

* “My subordinates visit my office to report more often now.  I need more time in the office! “

* “The boss (who attended this training) now listens to me and doesn’t interrupt much anymore. ”

* “I am honestly surprised that some employees started to give me more ideas. ”

* “We can now get more information out at customer meetings that could not obtain before the training. ”

* “The office atmosphere has become positive”

* “The amount of information they give me is a lot more now. We can now trust each other more.”

* “Because we always create a concrete action plans in the conversation, we can always act and progress. ”

Voices of the 15th Course Participants:

*This is great! I learned so much!

*It was great to have roleplay with actual cases. It was so realistic and intense. Great practice before I face my subordinate with difficult conversation.

*I can now analyze my conversation why the discussion turned out to be successful or not successful.

*I understood why I couldn’t draw ideas from my subordinates.

* I realized that I had always been rushed to proceed the conversation and actually had not listened to what my subordinates were trying to say.

Conversation skill Master course for Japanese expats CONTENTS

Session 1 Coaching Mind


• The definition of “coaching”, the effect of managers becoming a coach, the importance of coaching mind.

• About the benefits of coaching and the increase in productivity.

•Role play

Session 2 Listening Skill


• Acquire “listening” skills through role playing and hands-on exercises.

• “Question Thinking” “Reframing” “NLP”

• Understand the creation of an environment where ideas and opinions are easy to come out, and the creation of relationships that can be openly communicated.

Session 3 Questioning Skill (Lecture) • Power of great questions

• 3 conversations = Pushy boss, Endress question boss and the boss pulls out motivation. Analyze the 3 different conversation in the same topic.

• Different type of questions and its effective usage and combination.

Session 4 to 15

12 sessions

Online roleplay sessions


• Controlling conversation

•Skills to praise

•conversation technique for drawing action plan

• Approving attitude to motivate your staff



Date: Lecture: August 27 (Tue), September 4 (Wed), September 10 (Tue) 3:00 to 5:00pm EST Eastern Time

Role play:  Dates will be set by the participant pair.  Usually every other week for 6 months for 1-hour session per pair. (The start time is Mid September to late September)

This online course consists of 3 2-hour online lectures and 12 1- hour “one-to-one “intensive conversation roleplay sessions. The participants pair will alternate their roles as boss and his or her subordinate to conduct realistic case roleplay each time. Each session is consisted of 10 minutes lecture, 20 minutes roleplay x 2, and 10 minutes feedback.

Online Platform: ZOOM Conference Call System

Participation fee: $ 2100 ($ 600 discount to $1500 with Promotion code “Waterview”)

Capacity: 2 to 6 people

Instructor: Eriko Imaizumi (Honda America Certified Trainer, IIB Certified Executive Coach)

Promotion code: Waterview

Contact: Waterview Consulting Group, Inc.

Phone: 914-433-1447 Email: info@waterviewcoaching.com


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