Southeastern Supplier Support Meeting – January 2024 *In-Person*


8:30 am … Arrive at Honda South Carolina Plant

9:00 am … Supplier Support Updates

9:30 am … Circle Team Presentation (QC/CAN Conference presentations)

10:30 am … **Tour Honda SC Manufacturing Plant

11:00 am … 1-hour activity (SARG Legal update or CAN Activity & Updates)

12:00 pm … LUNCH

12:45 pm … Training – for suppliers & Honda associates
(Innovation, Open Communication Internal and External,
Respect for the Individual, and Tips for Making Better Decisions)

3:00 pm … End*

*Side-by-Side Ride Event – Pending. Waiting on approval. First come first serve, by registration.

* *Safety attire required

No open-toed shoes permitted

Safety glasses required

Honda South Carolina