Those making certain payments to non-employees must regularly deal with Forms W-9, W-8 or 8233, detailing specific information about the payee. Beyond regulating withholding, payers must make sure that the forms are current, complete and accurate. How can you ensure a proper form that will not subject your company to penalties, interest or tax? Join us for this webinar where you and your colleagues will discover:
• How to accurately acquire information from payees
• When you need and do not need to collect a Form W-9
• Work effectively with vendors: Techniques for success
• When to use each form W-8: Scenarios to consider
• Discover how the latest changes can affect your business
• Data points to capture from Forms W-8: Ensure compliance
• Form W-8 & W-9 red flags: Spot them before it’s too late
• Keys to effectively validate and review your forms
Learning Objectives:
• How to accurately acquire information from payees
• When you need and do not need to collect a Form W-9
• Work effectively with vendors: Techniques for success