JMEP N.A./Japan Better Communications (in Japanese) 1/2 Day – Alabama



This seminar is considered essential for Japanese associates, as they will gain communication skills especially effective for Japanese that will allow them to improve even more their working relationships with their N. American counterparts. With a cultural communications specialist as the instructor, the seminar is conducted in Japanese. In consideration of everyone’s time, this seminar has been condensed into 4 hours. It is also recommended as a refresher course for the more experienced.

講義概要 Course Outline:
· Coping with language barrier 言葉の壁を乗り越す
· Cross-cultural communication 異文化コミュニケーション
· Effective meeting management 効果的な会議実施法
· Information sharing 情報の伝達
· Effective Workplace Relations 効果的職場関係

Oct. 23, 2019
8:00am – 12:00pm
Instructor: Sarah Aptilon

What Attendees are Saying:

“This course is going to help me build more trusting relationships in my work with American colleagues.”

“I learned how to give both positive and negative feedback in an effective way.”

“This course made me realize the importance of praise and thanks when working with employees in the U.S.”

US - Alabama (Red)